Your business is wasting time and money with the way you use Word. This wastage is invisible, automatic/embedded in your culture, accepted, and maybe even unsustainable…
Articles Tagged: Styles

Why Do Styles Sometimes Disappear In Word Documents?
If you’ve ever wondered why, in Microsoft Word, some styles disappear then I’ve got some b…
The 2 Critical Components with Word That, Above All Else, You MUST Get Right
Microsoft Word is vast. There are no 2 ways about it. With more and more functionality being added, it’s arguably becoming ever more complicated. But, as intricate as that may seem, the reality with Word is that there are only 2 core essentials that you must get right. And I mean must. When you get […]

Avoiding Word Document Corruption
Since Microsoft did a major overhaul of Office for its 2007 release, document corruptions doesn’t happen anywhere near as often or as much as it used to. (Now there’s a blessing.) But, it will still creep in and get you at the most inopportune time and, as Murphy’s Law dictates, right when you absolutely, categorically, […]

Word Sections
I’ve deliberated over writing about section (and section breaks) for a while because I was wondering about the best way to approach this particular topic. You see, though essential, sections in Word are a little [over-]complicated. As I mentioned before, the underlying structure and design of Word goes back a couple of decades and, while […]

Microsoft Word Styles
(Post 1st published in 2015) I know from my years of using Word, and working with documents and templates, that when using Word many people, immediately after starting the program, just see the blinking cursor (and I’m not substituting a swear word there) and begin typing. Then, when they get to the end of the […]

Microsoft Word: The Importance And Power Of Word Styles
Styles are the single-most important element of using Microsoft Word…

Microsoft Word: Table of Contents Page Number Alignment
If you’re struggling to align your Table of Contents page numbering, then this is what you need to do:

Microsoft Word’s Mail Merge Functionality
This video shows how simple yet effective Microsoft Word’s mail merge functionality is.